ZW Certificate can apply any organization that:

- You want to establish or implement a waste management system in accordance with the regulations.
- Improve your economic costs.
- Optimization of processes.
- Demonstrate legal compliance.
- Accredit the traceability of your waste.
- Obtain the image of an environmentally committed company.

The following definitions will be taken into account:

"Waste": any substance or object that its owner discards or has the intention or obligation to discard.

"Domestic waste": waste generated in homes as a result of domestic activities. Household waste is also considered to be similar to the above generated in services and industries.

Also included in this category are the waste generated in homes from electrical and electronic devices, clothing, batteries, accumulators, furniture and household items, as well as waste and debris from minor construction and home repair works.

The waste from cleaning public roads, green areas, recreational areas and beaches, dead domestic animals and abandoned vehicles will be considered domestic waste.

"Commercial waste": waste generated by the activity of trade, wholesale and retail, restaurant services and bars, offices and markets, as well as the rest of the service sector.

"Industrial waste": waste resulting from manufacturing, transformation, use, consumption, cleaning or maintenance processes generated by industrial activity, excluding emissions into the atmosphere regulated.

Certification, inspection and audit solutions focused on business optimization.
As the ZERO-WASTE movement continues to pick up momentum around the world, there are growing concerns surrounding greenwashing and unsubstantiated environmental claims.

After all, anyone can declare zero-waste credentials, and modern marketing has a subtly persuasive way of making consumers believe any given product or company is eco-friendly when it is, in fact, not.

Certifications show your business or organization’s commitment to zero waste.

They are a way to provide third-party verification of zero waste achievements, which can be useful when appealing to consumers or investors, as well as motivating internal teams to stay on board with and even lead zero waste initiatives throughout your company.

Additionally, certification programs can also help a business or organization progress further in achieving its zero waste goals. Most schemes provide a framework or guidelines to work within, and some offer training or advisory services that make it easier to successfully adopt operations. Having a third-party audit can also provide helpful insights on waste reduction and management that your organization may not have considered.

The ZW intends to establish a system for evaluating the correct management of waste in an organization, highlighting legal compliance and the principles of reducing, reusing and recycling, eliminating the dumping of waste as an option, except for waste that requires special control. or management by legal requirement, such as sanitary waste or waste with special control and treatment
Setting goals to meet zero waste for a business can be overwhelming and many times confusing. It’s important to begin with the basics. What is your business throwing away? Knowing what waste is currently being generated will guide decision making for materials being purchased, engagement programs for employees and staff members, and how waste should be separated in order to prioritize reuse and recycling.

Our focus is to design programs to capture that waste and find solutions to manage it responsibly – from procurement to operations, each team plays a critical role in achieving zero waste.
INSIGHT AREAS                                         

244 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1203, New York, NY 10001 US

Office Hours: Monday through Friday. 9:00 am to 18:00 pm Central Standard Time (CST)