Product certification or product qualification is the process of certifying that a certain product has passed performance tests and quality assurance tests, and meets qualification criteria stipulated in contracts, regulations, or specifications (sometimes called "certification schemes" in the product certification industry).

Most product certification bodies (or product certifiers) are accredited to or aligned with ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity assessment -- Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services (previously ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996)[1] an international standard for ensuring competence in those organizations performing product, process and service certifications. The organizations that perform this accreditation are called Accreditation Bodies, and they themselves are assessed by international peers against the ISO 17011 standard.

Examples of some certification schemes include the Safety Equipment Institute for protective headgear, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) program for radio communication devices, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star program, the International Commission on the Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment Product Safety Certification Body Scheme (IEECE CB Scheme), MAS (Materials Analytical Services) Certified Green IEQ program, and the Greenguard Environmental Institute Indoor Air Quality program. Certification schemes are typically written to include both the performance test methods that the product must be tested to, as well as the criteria that the product must meet to become Certified.

Certifications (and the certificates that document their existence) are often called "certs" in the everyday jargon of various industries.

Product certification is performed in order to assess the conformity of product characteristics, checking product compliance with technical and legal requirements of a respective market.

The aim is mainly to ensure the appropriate quality and safety of products.

Certified products will get a licence which will allow them to use a respective marking (e.g. CE marking).

Product certification involves risk analysis, product testing in an accredited laboratory, comparison of characteristics and monitoring of product quality during the entire validity period of the certificate.

Product certification is recommended to all manufacturing companies that seek to guarantee the required quality and conformity of their products with relevant requirements.

With regard to the increasing requirements for functional safety and reliability of electronic systems, a set of rules has been defined based on SIL (Safety Integrity Level Certification). SIL requirements are based on standards EN IEC 61511, EN IEC 62061 and EN IEC 61058 and assess the entire product cycle, from its design to its decommissioning.
Safety Integrity Level Certification (SIL) represents the guarantee of quality and safety by producers. The certification includes assessment of the following areas Assessment of project documentation Development and assessment of product design Evaluation of business processes Relevant feedback evaluation (experience gained)

To ensure the appropriate quality and safety of the electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits, it was necessary to define specific requirements.
These are covered by EMC Directive (Electromagnetic Compatibility), i.e. Directive 2014/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Directive 2014/35/EU defines requirements relating to the making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits, while at the same time it lays down general rules for CE marking.
Product assessment in compliance with Directive 2014/35/EU is recommended to all entities who wish to place their products, as defined above, on the EU market. Why to certify with us Our experts have a long experience in the field

We have a global scope of activities We are prepared to cater for your individual needs

To ensure harmonized food safety and quality at the international level, it was necessary to set up specific requirements.
These are defined by the internationally recognized standard IFS (International Food Standard).
Requirements of IFS standard are based on good manufacturing practice (GMP) and good hygiene practice (GHP), risk analysis system, setting of critical control points in food production (HACCP) and other legal requirements.

The certification for IFS standard is recommended to all producers of foodstuffs and consumable goods, and also to all companies participating in their supply chain.

We offer fair pricing and high quality of services



Non destructive testing plays an important role in assuring safe operation of complex production facilities (e.g. nuclear power plants, energy grids, oil platforms, petrochemical plants and their equipment). 

With non-destructive testing you can detect possible defects without dismantling a product. In this way you can reduce repair-related costs and reduce the risk of emergencies.

Materials testing verify properties of materials (type, width, surface working, hardness etc.) and other aspects such as weld joints.

Main Methods of Non-destructive Testing
Visual method.
Capillary method.
Method of whirling flows.
Ultrasound method.

Railway vehicles

Global development of industrial production increases demands on quality and safety of transportation vehicles, including railway vehicles.
In this context the internationally recognized standard EN 15085-2:2007 has been developed.
Standard EN 15085-2 aims to ensure that manufacturing and repair companies have an appropriate quality of welding in manufacturing or maintenance of railway vehicles and their components.  The certification for EN 15085-2 is recommended to all companies that are involved in welding of railway vehicles

Welding (WPQR)

The main objective of WPQR is to test welded products by various methods in order to assure the required quality of weld joints and to significantly reduce the risk of possible defects and accidents. 
Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) is issued by the Czech Welding Institute.
These exams are recognized by international organizations and producers.
The certification for welding WPQR is recommended to all companies that seek to assure consistent quality of weld products and to improve their competitiveness.

Procedure to Obtain the Certification for WPQR :
Non-destructive testing see here Visual method Capillary method Method of whirling flows Ultrasound method

Destructive testing Tensile test of a weld joint Tensile test in the transverse direction Bend test parallel to the welding direction Bend test transverse to the welding direction Crash test.
Macroscopic, microscopic test and other valuations
Macroscopic test Hardness testing Testing the fracture toughness of a weld joint Weld-notch toughness testing Corrosion resistance testing Metallographic test Test of microstructure
Ferrite number testing.
To perform tests of different type, we cooperate with laboratories across the world in which we send samples for testing if necessary.

In many markets it is almost impossible to work without appropriate assurance of feed safety in production and distribution.
These issues are covered by a set of standards GMP+ FSA (Feed Safety Assurance).
GMP+ scheme is a complex module to ensure feed safety in all parts of the feed chain.
The certification for standards GMP+ is recommended to all companies that wish to be successful in the feed market.

We provide GMP+ certification in the following areas:
B1 Production, trade and services
B2 Production of feed ingredients
B3 Trade, collection, storage and trans-shipment
B4 Transport

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Office Hours: Monday through Friday. 9:00 am to 18:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST)